Comfort Keepers, recently celebrated International Nurses Day -those dedicated and selfless professionals -who give so much back to our community, and ask little, if anything, in return.
We are very proud to have expanded our in-home services, to include Clinical care. and recognise our fantastic team of nursing "heroes", who work tirelessly, around the clock, to administer the highest-possible, quality of care, for our valued clients.
Celebrated, around the world on May 12th - the day has been aptly timed to coincide with the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.
Thank you to our South of the River stars : Registered Nurses Louise and Rhianon - not to mention the outstanding professional nursing achievements of Managing Director: Gaye. Also congratulations to our North of the River stars: Liz (Registered Nurse) and Michelle (Enrolled Nurse). Congratulations to all - and thank you for your contribution to the Western Australian community - especially in these challenging times.