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There are a number of ways that we work to proactively care for our seniors and all West Australians, on a daily basis and throughout the year.It’s the simple things in life - like that extra cuppa, random act of kindness, a hug, or a smile - that makes a difference and are always looking ways to do more and volunteer our time in the community - wherever we can.
Our ‘Share the Care’ program is endorsed by all staff and embedded in to the way we work.
Here are just a few of our recent ‘Share the Care’ Initiatives:
Community Talks - Comfort Keepers team members, donate their time to attend community meetings, presentations and charity associations, to present on key topics in the aged care and broader health and well-being sectors. With a goal of sharing our expert local and global research and listening to the needs of the broader community. In 2021, our General Manager Janice Early, presented on the topic of ‘The Changing Face of Aged Care in Western Australia’, for the West Perth Rotary Club.
To enquire about a Comfort Keepers community presentation - contact us today.
1. Shopping Centre - The South Perth team visited the Phoenix Shopping Centre to provide free, general in-home care advice for the local community and to share information on Government Home Care Packages. For us, it’s all about finding the right solution for people - regardless of the service provider.
2. Care & Ageing Well Expo - Comfort Keepers team participated in WA’s biggest seniors expo at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. Featuring more than 90 aged care exhibitors, guest speakers, live music, cafe lounges and more - visitors had the chance to meet the Comfort Keepers team, ask questions regarding their personal care requirements, home packages, NDIS, and to win a ‘Share the Care’ $150 in-home care package.
3. Warwick Grove Shopping Centre - From aged care, respite, post hospital help, NDIS, Home Care Packages and more - the Perth team visited the Warwick Grove Shopping Centre, over five days, to help others to find the best care solutions for seniors and the local community.
4. Have a Go Day - Every year, Comfort Keepers takes part in one of Western Australis’a most vibrant and uplifting events for seniors: ‘Have a Go Day’ in Burswood Park. Organised by the fantastic team at ‘Have a Go News’, along with major sponsors and stall holders, the day attracts thousands of WA seniors to celebrate the positives of ageing well and the many services and activities available. The Comfort Keepers team members from North and South offices join in the fun day and promote the benefits and services of in-home care for the community. In 2021, a special ‘Share the Care’ competition prize, was ‘up for grabs’ for visitors to the stand.Comfort Keepers is a proud to support the fantastic work and newspaper for WA seniors: 'Have a Go News'.
5. Random Acts of Kindness - Every day, our team looks at how we can go the extra mile for our clients and help them to live more independently and be happy, safe and healthy in the comfort of their own homes. At no extra charge to our standard services, we look for ways to brighten people’s days and give back to the community. It might be the chance to win a bunch of roses to your door, a high tea outing to a Cafe, remembering a birthday, bringing in the rubbish, finding a newspaper article of interest, a visit to hospital, a card, or our staff donating their time to help others in the community.